Personal Loan

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Personal Loan

Be at ease, we’ve got you covered. Our personal loans help salaried employees who work in the private sector to meet their important financial needs whatever it may be. Need a loan to tackle pressing financial needs?

Our Personal Loan Against Salary is designed just for you!

Employees are the backbone of every organization. Enable your employees to empower their financial independence with this salary-administration product.

The Personal Loan Against Salary (PLAS), which is targeted at salary account holders is designed to provide finance for individuals in paid employment to meet long term personal needs eg vacations, payment of children’s school fees, rent obligations, furnishing of homes or investment for the future.

Salary account holders who have existing Personal Loan with the bank and have been faithful in their monthly repayment obligation can be availed a Top Up on their existing loan. We also offer Personal Loan Buy-Over for employees in organizations that want to move their salary account.

With the Personal Loan Against Salary:

You get up to 60 months repayment option, subject to your retirement age.
A guarantor is not required.
The processing time is quick.
Equity contribution is not required.
Minimum documentation is required.
Flexible repayment structure.


Flexibility to meet individual needs.
Loan amount up to 200% of net annual salary
Up to 60 months tenure.
Credit life insurance.

Copyright @ Constik. Brascom Luan Aparecida International Investment Lending Company